Saturday, 24 September 2011

Published Saturday, September 24, 2011 by with 0 comment

Natural Cure to Prevent Baldness

Vision Without Glasses
Natural Cure to Prevent Baldness
Hair loss, baldness and lack of proper hair growth are problems, which affect a lot of people around the world. Research shows that men and women both feel very embarrassed when they develop bald patches on their head, and this can sometimes even prove to be a factor that lowers their confidence. While there are many products in the market these days, which claim to solve your problem of improper hair growth, ranging from shampoos to conditioners, to hair oils, and even pills and tonics, not many of these actually work. Most of these products are chemical based and can worsen your problem. Therefore, hair experts suggest that you should rely only on natural methods when it comes to growth of hair.

To a major extent, it is our lifestyle habits and patters that determine the kind of hair growth we have. If you happen to lead a life where you are constantly under work pressure and are running after deadlines, without having the time to have proper and balanced meals, and with inadequate sleep, then the negative effects will start showing on your hair instantly. Therefore, one of the first home remedies for hair growth is to keep a check on your diet, and ensure that you are getting enough rest and sleep. Make sure that you include a lot of green leafy vegetables in your diet, along with protein rich foods such as pulses and eggs. Milk and milk products are also essential to ensure proper hair growth.
Next, you must learn to maintain your hair properly. Hair growth reduces considerably when you have an ill-maintained scalp. You have to ensure that you reduce the amount of chemical and heat exposure that your hair faces. Switch to herbal and natural shampoos and conditioners instead of chemical ones. Also, reduce the amount of styling on your hair, such as constant straightening, curling, crimping, coloring etc., all of which damage hair and reduce hair growth.
One of the simplest home remedies for hair growth is to go in for the warm oil treatment. Just massage your scalp and hair with warm coconut oil twice or thrice weekly, 1-2 hours prior to head wash. The massaging will ensure that there is proper blood flow in the scalp cells, and that the scalp is also clean and well maintained. Besides, the coconut oil will boost hair growth and will reduce dryness too.
Once a week, you can also make a hair pack of honey mixed with egg yolk, and apply it to your scalp and hair for around 2 hours before washing your hair. This is one of the most effective home remedies, and is trusted by many people. Another home remedy that you can try is to mix curd and camphor in equal quantities and apply it on your hair for about 3 hours before washing. It will definitely boost growth of hair when done regularly once or twice a week. Fenugreek oil massage also helps to improve growth of hair.


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